technology, hospitality, and plumbing…

Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Top of the Social Scene

In General on December 31, 2014 at 13:39

Are your hotels’ social media channels hot, or not?

Are you almost finished writing that social media plan you’ve been working on for the last year? Well, if it hasn’t been evolving with the latest trends, you might need to go back to the drawing board. Few things change as quickly as social media, and to be efficient and effective, your strategy should be developing at the same pace. Here’s a rundown of what’s happening as it relates to hotels and hospitality, and how you should be spending your time and money. Read the rest of this entry »

Strange Bedfellows

In General on August 1, 2014 at 12:11


Of the two great innovations that technology has enabled in the hotel business in the past 15 years, only one has been truly disruptive: the rise of Online Travel Agents.

Read the rest of this entry »

Making the most of your relationship with OTAs

In General on August 1, 2014 at 12:03

What makes the disruptive innovation of OTAs so fascinating is that they are simultaneously the hotels’ biggest competitor, and potentially their largest online sales channel (for all but the largest chains). The OTAs and the hotels clearly need each other.

Accepting this fact, how can hospitality brands make the most of their online friends-cum-enemies? Read the rest of this entry »

The High Cost of High Tech

In General on April 12, 2014 at 11:40

And even higher cost of underwhelming your guests with dated technology.

Checking into a hotel, the staff on the desk informed me that the minibar was “pressure-sensitive,” so if you took something out and then put it back, you’d still be charged. I couldn’t help but wonder why the minibar was smart enough to know when I had taken a beer, but not clever enough to forgive me after my moment of weakness.. I nodded in acknowledgment, thanked him politely and then shuffled off to my room, pondering the changes in technology and human behaviour, and how they affect the bottom line. Read the rest of this entry »

5 Myths about Mobile Solutions

In General on May 28, 2013 at 16:35

Mobile_Myths_260wide_390Mobile is a huge part of life nowadays. The stats all point to a huge increase in mobile usage, and our own experience as users shows how much it has grown to dominate our online behaviour. So it’s natural for business people to focus on what they can do to make best use of this new opportunity. However, there is a lot of confusion which gets in the way of successfully implementing a mobile strategy. Read the rest of this entry »

Hotel Website Design Trends 2012/13

In General on February 4, 2013 at 20:30

A review of 2012, with a look forward to what 2013 has in store


Fullscreen images

Fullscreen images have really come into focus in the past year or so. This is because the public in general now have faster internet connections. This, combined with more easily accessible Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) makes serving large images easier.  Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome, 2013. One word. Mobile.

In General on January 22, 2013 at 20:22

QUO_Voice_Jan_378It’s time for all of us to think about how mobile affects our businesses.

If you don’t have a mobile site now, then you need to call up your developer, talk to your tech team, and make it happen.

On the 50 or so sites that we’re currently tracking, Read the rest of this entry »

Ecosystems: what’s driving Google, HP and other recent huge changes

In General on August 28, 2011 at 21:59

EcosystemNews from Google (buying Motorola) and HP (selling its mobile and PC business) shows that there are huge shifts taking place in business models. And the key word is ecosystem.

So what is an ecosystem? Well, much like the ecosystem that plants, animals, and humans live in, an ecosystem in business is a collection of parts whose complex interconnection enables a company to thrive in their environment.

Google bought Motorola because Read the rest of this entry »

Google Motorola: 8 crazy facts, and 3 possible outcomes

In General on August 18, 2011 at 20:07

Motorola - AndroidWell, i said Google needed to do something bold about Android, and that was bold! Spending USD12.5 billion on a company that is losing lots of money is either madness or masterstroke. The internet has hardly stopped buzzing about this. Here are the key points:

1. USD12.5 billion is nearly 50% more than Read the rest of this entry »

Google’s Wars

In General on June 30, 2011 at 10:02

Google PlusHere’s the scene. Google is the dominant internet company, owning search to the point that it’s effectively a monopoly. It makes huge amounts of money from this, and the dominance in this area will continue for the foreseeable future.

Yet it’s also David in some other battles. Read the rest of this entry »